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Welcome to Wesleycare: Where Compassion and Expertise Define Care Excellence                                                                           

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Welcome to Wesleycare: Where Compassion and Expertise Define Care Excellence 



Arranging supported living at Wesleycare, whether for public funded individuals through the local authority or private clients, involves a structured process:

Individuals undergo an assessment conducted by the local authority or social services to evaluate their specific needs and determine eligibility for supported living services.

Referrals can be made by various sources, including healthcare professionals, social workers, or individuals themselves, to initiate the process of accessing supported living services at Wesleycare.

Following the assessment, the local authority assesses the required level of support and approves funding for publicly funded individuals. Private clients independently arrange and fund their supported living services at Wesleycare.

Once funding is secured or private arrangements are made, individuals, or their representatives, choose Wesleycare as their supported living provider based on its services, location, reputation, and alignment with their specific needs and preferences.

A service agreement is established between the individual (or their representative) and Wesleycare, outlining the agreed-upon support services, costs, terms, and duration of the arrangement.

Upon agreement, the transition to supported living at Wesleycare begins. The team at Wesleycare initiates the tailored support plan to ensure a smooth transition and the commencement of necessary assistance.

Regular reviews are conducted to assess the effectiveness of the support plan at Wesleycare, ensuring it aligns with the individual’s changing needs and aspirations. Adjustments are made as necessary to maintain the highest quality of support.

For publicly funded individuals, the local authority oversees the funding and allocation process, while private clients directly engage with Wesleycare to arrange and fund their supported living services, ensuring personalized and comprehensive care according to individual requirements.