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Welcome to Wesleycare: Where Compassion and Expertise Define Care Excellence 


Supported Living: Personalised Independence in Your Own Space

Supported living at Wesleycare focuses on preserving individual independence within homes or shared accommodations, providing customised support to address specific needs.

Our Approach to Supported Living:

Tailored Independence:

Choice and Autonomy:

Flexible Accommodation:

Professionalised Assistance:

Regulatory Compliance:

Why Choose Wesleycare for Supported Living:

Our support sustains independence by providing the right assistance tailored to individual needs.

Encouraging autonomy and control through decision-making about support and lifestyle preferences.

Offering options for independent or shared living, providing stability and diversity of choice.

Professional caregivers assist with personal care, household tasks, healthcare access, and social activities, prioritising independence.

Compliance ensures quality care respecting individual autonomy and safety.

Supported living at Wesleycare emphasises personalised independence while ensuring support aligns with individual needs. It’s about maintaining autonomy while receiving essential assistance for an enriched and self-reliant lifestyle.

Contact us today to explore how our supported living services can empower you or your loved one to live independently while receiving personalised support.