A professional Carer at Wesleycare LTD

Welcome to Wesleycare: Where Compassion and Expertise Define Care Excellence                                                                           

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Welcome to Wesleycare: Where Compassion and Expertise Define Care Excellence 


Elevate Your Well-Being with Our Exceptional Personal Care Services

Welcome to Wesleycare, where we redefine personal care to provide you with an exceptional and unparalleled experience. Guided by the stringent standards of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) 2009 Act, our commitment is to deliver care that goes beyond expectations.

Our Comprehensive Personal Care Services Include:

Eating or Drinking


Washing or Bathing


Oral Care

Care of Skin, Hair, and Nails

Our mission is not just to meet but to exceed CQC expectations. We set the bar high, ensuring that you receive the highest standards of evidence-based care tailored to your unique needs and preferences. Your well-being, dignity, and satisfaction are our unwavering priorities.

Why Choose Wesleycare for Personal Care Services:

At Wesleycare, we stand out as a premier provider of personal care services for several compelling reasons:

We are committed to delivering a level of care that exceeds expectations. Our dedication to quality is reflected in our adherence to strict industry standards, evidence-based practices, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

Our team of carers is not only highly skilled but also deeply compassionate. We understand that personal care goes beyond physical assistance and extends to emotional well-being, and our staff is dedicated to providing both.

We recognise that each individual is unique with distinct needs and preferences. Our care plans are meticulously tailored to the specific requirements of each person we serve, ensuring that you receive the care that’s right for you.

We place a high value on preserving your dignity and treating you with the utmost respect. Our approach to personal care is centered on empowering you to maintain your sense of self-worth and independence.

Your safety and hygiene are our top priorities. We take extensive measures to ensure that every aspect of our care services upholds the highest standards of cleanliness, safety, and well-being.

Open and transparent communication is integral to our approach. We believe in keeping you and your family well-informed about your care and progress. We actively seek your input and listen to your concerns.

We are fully compliant with the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) 2009 Act. This commitment to legal compliance demonstrates our dedication to your safety and well-being.

We are continuously striving to improve the quality of our services. Through regular assessments, training, and feedback, we ensure that we are always at the forefront of personal care best practices.

Our goal is not just to provide care but to improve your overall well-being. We pay attention to your individual needs, preferences, and aspirations, ensuring that your life is as fulfilling and comfortable as possible.

Above all, we are committed to making a positive impact in your life. Your well-being is our unwavering commitment, and we go above and beyond to achieve this.

Contact us today and embark on a journey towards improved quality of life and preserved independence with our exceptional personal care services. Your well-being is our top priority, and we’re here to provide the care and support you deserve.